Satisfaction Guaranteed
We guarantee your complete
satisfaction. If we cannot solve your problem you don't pay. Period. No fee for arrival or any service performed until we find and fix your problem.
Call today 303-475-9257 or E-Mail us at info@UnitedComputerProfessionals.com and we will be happy to assist you.
Residential Computer Services |
Commercial Computer Services |
Is the best "Computer-Geek" you know not able to help you?
Does your computer act strange or does it not do what it is supposed to do?
Are you a victim of a Virus, Spyware or other Malware attack and need help to remove the threat?
Do you want to connect all your computers at home with a network to share one internet connection but the setup is too complex?
If you answer "Yes" to any of the above questions then it is time to call United Computer Professionals. Our personnel has worked for several years in the IT Industry solving severe computer infrastructure problems. Now they would like to bring that knowledge to the community for a fair and reasonable price. For detail information on pricing and services click here... |
Is your IT Professional stumped?
Or do you need an IT Professional Consultant?
Our team is trained to provide professional help that meets high industry standards, for any IT related problem that may occur in your business.
We offer on-demand help at your location. We also offer long term projects such as Web Site Development or Office Network Setup. Our team members have many years of experience and a successful employment history in the country’s leading IT businesses.
That's why United Computer Professionals, LLC should be your #1 choice when it comes to solving your problems in a timely and cost effective manner.
For detail information on pricing and services click here...
Customer Survey
Your opinion matters.
We are constantly striving to enhance and improve our services. Please take this quick Survey.
As a token of our appreciation you get a 20% discount on your next service appointment. |
What Makes Us Different
United Computer Professionals, LLC offers high quality computer services for the Denver Metro Area.
Our mission? Provide fast, high quality, affordable computer services and networking to small size businesses and homes operating on tight budgets.
The United Computer Professionals, LLC approach is very different from most other computer service providers. We provide a high level of friendly, personalized computer service at affordable low prices.
Based in Littleton close to C470, United Computer Professionals, LLC is close to his customers - which means that we can respond quickly and that our services are less expensive than many service providers.
Here is what make us different from all other companies that offer Computer and Software Repair Services:
FLAT LABOR RATES for repairs we always let you know up-front how much the repair will cost no matter how long it takes us!
QUICK RESPONSE TIME for on-site services: usually we can be at your place, anywhere in Denver , within 24 hours or less;
ON-SITE LABOR SERVICE / REPAIR billed at $35* ($45* for commercial customers) per hour, one hour minimum, billing is done in 15 minutes increments after the first hour.
90 DAYS WORK WARRANTY: labor on all repairs or installations is warranted for a period of 90 days.
CONVENIENT HOURS: Monday-Sunday: 8AM-10PM: we are opened when most of the guys are closed; we work on evenings and weekends, too.
- INFORMED, "LIVE" OFFICE STAFF: no automated phone systems at United Computer Professionals, LLC ! You get a live, educated staff member every time you call and a friendly service, too.
*Read more about services and pricing here...